collabora: image: collabora/code: container_name: collabora-code networks: # Name of the network where the Nextcloud app resides - nextcloud # Name of the network where Traefik resides - proxy environment: # Every dot should be escaped, otherwise interpreted as regexp # Which domains can use Collabora : # - One domain per alias_groupX # - Optionnally with aliases per domain, see alias_group1: soletucompi\.picasoft\.net # Limit to french for now for the sake of simplicity dictionaries: fr_FR # Traefik terminates SSL, use HTTP internally VIRTUAL_PROTO: http VIRTUAL_PORT: 9980 VIRTUAL_HOST: collabora\.picasoft\.net # Disable capabilities check that are not available inside Docker container # Additionnaly, disable default self-signed certificate as everything is handled by Traefik extra_params: "--o:security.capabilities=false --o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true" DONT_GEN_SSL_CERT: true # Maybe not mandatory, documentation states it is useful if Collabora # run behind a reverse proxy server_name: env_file: ./secrets/collabora.secrets labels: # Depends on your configuration... websecure is an HTTPS entrypoint there. traefik.http.routers.collabora.entrypoints: websecure traefik.http.routers.collabora.rule: Host(``) 9980 traefik.enable: true